Alicia O. Hernandez-Castillo出版物

15. “双尾故事:的旋转光谱学 N-Ethyl Maleimide and N-Ethyl Succinimide.” L. York, C. Sorrells, C.A. Dim, K.N. Crabtree, and A.O. Hernandez-Castillo. J of Phys. Chem. A, 2024, 128 (28), 5541–5547.

14. “微波脉冲条件对对映体特异性状态转移的影响.” J.H. Lee1, J. Bischoff1, A .O. Hernandez-Castillo2, E. Abdiha1, B.G. Sartakov1, G. Meijer1, and S. Eibenberger-Arias3,1. New J. Phys., 2024, 26, 033015.

13. “对映体特异性状态转移的定量研究.J.H. Lee, J. Bischoff, A.O. Hernandez-Castillo, B. Sartakov, G. Meijer, and S. Eibenberger-Arias. Phys. Rev. Lett., 2022, 28, 173001.

12. 键长交替与内部动力学 Model 木质素的芳香取代基.O. Hernandez-Castillo, C. Calabrese, S.M. Fritz, I. Uriarte, E.J. Cocinero, and T.S. Zwier. ChemPhysChem, 2022, 23, e202100808.

11. 1-吲哚醇的高分辨率紫外光谱分析.”O. Hernandez-Castillo, J. Bischoff, J.H. Lee, J. Langenhan, M. Karra, G. Meijer, and S. Eibenberger-Arias. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2021, 23, 7048.

10. “单频脉冲在强场环境下传播分子旋转相干性.” A.O. Hernandez-Castillo, F. Robicheaux, and T.S. Zwier. J. Chem. Phys., 2019, 151, 084312.

9. “质量相关宽带微波光谱法表征苯氧基的结构.”A.O. Hernandez-Castillo, C.Abeysekera, J.F. Stanton, and T.S. Zwier. “ J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2019, 10, 2919.

8. “结合啁啾脉冲傅里叶变换微波光谱和VUV光电离飞行时间质谱的复杂气相混合物的多路表征.” S.M. Fritz, B M. Hays, A.O. Hernandez-Castillo, C. Abeysekera, and T.S. Zwier. Rev. Sci. Instrum., 2018, 89, 0931101.

7.2-甲氧基呋喃一次热解产物- 2-呋喃氧基自由基的宽带微波光谱分析.C. Abeysekera, A.O. Hernandez-Castillo, J. Stanton, and T.S. Zwier. J. Phys. Chem., 2018, 6879.

6. “强场相干破断法测定3-苯基丙腈的结构.” S. Fritz, A.O. Hernandez-Castillo, C. Abeysekera, and T.S Zwier. J. Mol. Spec., 2018, 349, 10.

5. “微波光谱研究丁酸甲酯的构象偏好和内旋.” O. Hernandez-Castillo, C. Abeysekera, B.M. Hays, I. Kleiner, H. V. L. Nguyen, and T.S. Zwier. J. Mol. Spec., 2017, 337, 51.

4. “宽带多共振强场相干破缺作为单异构体微波光谱的工具.” A.O. Hernandez-Castillo, C. Abeysekera, B.M. Hays, and T.S. Zwier. J. Chem. Phys. 2016, 145, 114203.

3. “帽状构象光谱, 气相Aib低聚物:作为3的Aib残留物的测试10-helix former.” R. Gord, D.M. Hewett, A.O. Hernandez-Castillo, K.N. Blodgett, M.C. Rotondaro, A. Varuolo, M.A. Kubasik and T.S. Zwier. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2016, 18, 25512.

2. 对称投影,几何基础的选择.” R.Lemus. and A.O. Hernández-Castillo . 墨西哥评论Física E., 2015, 61, 113.

1. 不可穿透的立方井势的对称群.” A.O. Hernández-Castillo和R. Lemus. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 2013, 46, 464201.