
看到 2017年Hixon论坛页面 for schedule and locations of events.

Morana Alač, University of California, San Diego

“The Mute Sense and Everyday Work in Olfactory Psychophysics”

alazi是加州大学圣地亚哥分校传播与科学研究的副教授. 她在科学实验室和其他技术生产和使用环境中进行人种学研究,重点研究普通互动实践的多模态和多感官方面.

Filippo Bertoni, Aarhaus University

“Planetary Senses: Attending to the Sociotechnical Making of Earth”

Bertoni received his PhD from Amsterdam University. 他的工作——奥胡斯大学人类世研究项目和阿姆斯特丹一个新兴的创意研究工作室——专注于地球的生物地球化学铰接, 通过一项研究实践,关注社会技术组合及其历史流动的当代转变, 注意科学工作的语境和内容的相互转换.



博内利是一位从事临床心理学交叉研究的高级研究员, 社会人类学, 以及科学技术研究. His research interests include healing, 观看和饮食习惯, as they connect (to) the materiality of the body and its memories. 感谢联合国教科文组织水教育研究所主办的居里夫人个人奖学金, 博内利的研究关注的是智利北部阿塔卡马沙漠的社会关系如何与地下水的使用有关.


“Race, Texture, and Magnification in Twentieth-Century Virology”

Cheng’s research examines the intersections between science, 技术, 媒体表示, 以及社会运动. He utilizes interdisciplinary feminist and queer of color approaches, 包括视觉, 文本, 以及历史方法, to study activist uses of media to document, 动员行动, 通过系统化的健康和经济差距,提高易受疾病影响社区的生存机会.

Marianne de Laet, Harvey Mudd College


De Laet指导Hixon Riggs响应科学和工程项目. 她在感知方面的工作有两个方向:对品尝和认知之间的联系感兴趣, 目前的田野调查(除其他事项外)是太阳2注册平台与狗一起生活时语言的存在/缺失.

Joe Dumit, University of California, Davis


杜米特是加州大学戴维斯分校人类学教授和社会科学研究所所长. He studies how science and medicine change and how the lives of Americans, 包括消费者, 病人, doctors and scientists also change as the nature of facts and evidence change.

Vivien Hamilton, Harvey Mudd College

“Insensible Danger: Radiation Safety in American Hospitals”

汉密尔顿是太阳2平台科学史助理教授. 她研究物理学如何在二十世纪获得文化权威和科学专业知识.

Rebeca Ibáñez Martín, University of Amsterdam

“Showing, Seeing, Smelling: Exhibiting Waste Futures”

Ilbáñez Martín is a researcher at the Health, Care and the Body research group in the University of Amsterdam. 她是《太阳2平台》(Plaza y vald2013.2012)一书的编辑,也是《太阳2平台》一书的作者? Empirical Explorations of Fats as Food (2014). 她正在研究荷兰生态研究所开发的废水营养物回收实验系统.


“Contamination: The Effect of the 1%”

Johnson is professor of chemistry at Harvey Mudd Collge. 他的研究重点是设计和合成具有可调空间和电子性质的氨基醇配体,以开发更好的有机金属催化剂,用于有趣的有机转化.


Workshop– “Breathtaking Through Time”

肯纳是德雷塞尔大学政治系的助理教授. 她专门研究当代卫生实践,以及生物医学科学和新兴技术如何塑造我们理解和护理慢性疾病的方式.

Jacob Lahne,德雷克塞尔大学

“Making Sense: Sensory Valuation as a ‘Science From Below’”

Lahne是德雷塞尔大学烹饪艺术与科学的助理教授. He studies sensory perception and food preparation and consumption, with a focus on craft and artisan foods, 家庭烹饪和活体食物.

Rachel Mayeri, Harvey Mudd College


Mayeri是Harvey Mudd大学媒体研究教授,她在那里教授动物课程, 动画纪录片, 还有人类世. 作为洛杉矶的艺术家, she makes films for the nonhuman demographic, and video installations about mind-controlling parasites.


Nyerges is the author of multiple books, co-founder of the School of Self Reliance, 也是著名的觅食专家.

Heather Paxson,麻省理工学院


帕克森是威廉·R. 小该. 麻省理工学院人类学教授. 她感兴趣的是人们如何通过日常实践来塑造自己作为道德存在的感觉, especially those activities having to do with family and food.


“Visual Evidence Beyond the Boundaries of Expert Vision”

佩里尼是波莫纳学院的哲学主席和科学协调员, 技术, and Society program at 克莱蒙特学院. 她的研究重点是科学家用于交流的图形表示类型.


“Parsons: the New School for Design”

Schwartzman is a New York City writer, 导演兼建筑师,其作品通过社会艺术探索人类感官, 写书, curating and experimental video making. 她的书 See Yourself Sensing: Redefining Human Perception (黑狗出版社), 伦敦, 2011) collects fifty years of futuristic proposals for the body and the senses, 她即将出版的书, 题为 See Yourself X: Human Futures Expanded (Black Dog, February 2017), explores the future of the human head.

Nicholas Shapiro, Chemical Heritage Foundation

“Decontamination Beyond the Chemical Register”

夏皮罗是个问题, 化学传统基金会材料与文化研究员,公共实验室开放研究员. 他的研究围绕着甲醛这个复杂的数字展开,甲醛是理解常见的和腐蚀性的家庭化学生态的门户,也是了解这些无形现实的工具.

Sergio Sismondo, Queen’s University


Sismondo teaches at Queen’s University, Canada. His research is on the political economy of pharmaceutical knowledge, 从临床试验到医学教育,研究与市场营销之间的关系.

Christy Spackman, Harvey Mudd College

“Let’s Measure It: Hacking Gas Chromatography to ‘Improve’ Taste”

Spackman is the Hixon-Riggs Early Career Fellow in Science, 技术, and Society at Harvey Mudd College. 她的研究考察了感官体验的设计和技术操纵如何塑造人们的使用方式, value and react to the ingestible environment.

Sharon Traweek,加州大学洛杉矶分校


Traweek is associate professor of gender studies and history at UCLA. 她参与了一项跨国合作,在日本国家实验室中开发数字档案和收集口述历史,重点关注外国和女性科学家.



Whitaker is associate professor of physics at Pomona College. His early research studied low-temperature physics and quantum fluids, 但现在惠特克和他的团队正在研究植物种子和孢子传播的生物力学. In his teaching on light and optics, Whitaker has also developed a keen interest in visual perception.

Emily Yates-Doerr, University of Amsterdam

“Voices of Cortisol: Praxiographing a Concept”

耶茨-多尔是阿姆斯特丹社会科学研究所的人类学助理教授, 并持有荷兰科学基金会提供的为期三年的VENI创新研究补助金,用于"当全球健康与地方发展相结合:危地马拉"生命最初1000天"倡议的案例研究"项目.”